Injury support & rehabilitation

Helping you to regain or maintain your independence, we provide support for people recovering from injuries, surgery or medical events and for longer term, complex care in all areas of New Zealand.  


Help at home after an injury

As the largest provider for ACC injury management support services, we are trusted to provide your free nursing services and home and community support. Our services are for short to medium term needs to help you return to being independent and for people with long term and more complex needs and we are specialists in spinal cord injury and impairment and traumatic brain injury (TBI).

We understand the importance of maximising your independence, and that your injury and lifestyle mean you will have unique challenges. Our multidisciplinary care teams include nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and other specialties to meet your needs.

Getting funded services 

Services may be free if your needs are approved for funding by ACC or another government funder, or you can pay privately for in-home care, or a combination of both.  

Wound Care

The convenience of specialist mobile nursing services for wound care in your home or workplace.

Spinal Cord Injury

You are in safe and skilled hands with our specialist support for people with spinal cord injuries.  

Rehabilitation services

Services for recovery and return to independence following injury or being in hospital, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy and more.

Collaborative care

A team of health professionals work with you and your whānau to maintain or regain your independence.

Total Care Health

Our specialist nursing division, Total Care Health, are expert in wound care and use the latest products in their care. They assess acute and complex wounds and attend to your needs in your home or workplace so you don’t need to visit a clinic or hospital.

Rehabilitation services

We partner with specialist rehabilitation service providers to help you build strength, confidence and remain active on your path towards independence. We have a collaborative team approach to ensuring the best support for your individual needs.